Carle and the University of Illinois are conducting an innovative community study to better understand the brain’s structure and function. Turning “what if” into what comes next.
The Champaign-Urbana Population Study (CUPS) study is the largest of its kind and uses the latest MRI technology. It will lay the foundation for exciting new insights and medical treatments here and around the world, opening new chapters in both basic and medical research.
If you’d like to be part of this ground-breaking research, complete our interest form and help ensure innovative medicine is always part of the picture at Carle.
As part of the study, you'll be asked to:
- Complete several questionnaires about your general health, medical history, and physical activity.
- Participate in a brief cognitive function assessment and up to three 2-hour MRI brain scans at the Carle Illinois Advanced Imaging Center.
To participate, you must:
- Be 18 or older.
- Not be pregnant.
- Not have metal implants.
- Be able to complete up to three 2-hour MRI brain scans.
- Wear MRI-safe, comfortable clothing to your scans.
As a token of our appreciation for your time, the university will provide participants $20 per hour.
To participate in this study or to learn more, contact us or please fill out this interest form. Please refer to study #20IMG3191.
Your participation may last up to 2 years, and you may be contacted over the next year depending on the cohort of participants for which you’re selected.